My home QTH shack is in my garage. Honestly, it’s not that bad. Even though I live in Arizona and the temperature easily hits 115F in the summer, I solved the problem by installing air-conditioning so no worries.
My primary operating rig is the Kenwood TS-590s and AL-811 amp. I also run a Yaesu FT-450 at times. I also have Motorola CDM1550′s for VHF/UHF, Kenwood TK for 900Mhz, and various other gear for 2M and 440MHZ SSB. I have various manual and automatic tuners in the shack for the outside antennas but I have upgraded to an external/remote auto-tuner at the feed point of the my vertical so I really only use the ATU’s as PWR/SWR meters now. I’m able to operate 10-80meters.
I also have a small station inside the house. I use it for listening in on nets since the antenna is an attic antenna and very compromised. I have two rigs. One is a a Yaesu FT-817 and the other is an Icom IC-7000. These are also the rigs I use when I run /portable, /mobile or /qrp. When I am not using them they just tuck in the office desk drawer.